Clean and beautiful skin boosts self-confidence and indicates our state of health. However, skin problems are common and sometimes persistent. According to statistics, most people have suffered from acne at least once in their life. Acne is a long-term skin disease that causes oily skin, whiteheads, blackheads, and other types of pimples. Most often, it occurs in adolescence but also affects adults of any age. If not properly treated, acne can develop into a serious problem.

Most common causes of adult acne

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs when skin pores become blocked with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. As a rule, pimples appear on the face, shoulders, chest, and upper back.

In adults, acne can develop for various reasons, and therefore, it is impossible to determine its exact cause at first glance. To get a complete picture, one should take many things into account: one`s health condition, lifestyle, cosmetic products, drugs, etc. Medical tests prescribed by a dermatologist will help determine the causes of acne with high accuracy. The most common causes of acne in adults include:

  • Hormonal fluctuations, hormone production disorders associated with endocrine diseases;
  • Sudden changes in hormonal levels due to pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, in certain phases of the menstrual cycle, and after discontinuing hormonal contraceptives;
  • Certain foods: fast carbohydrates, fatty foods, alcohol, and coffee. Such products can create favorable conditions for acne;
  • Stress and lack of sleep;
  • Allergic reactions and side effects while taking various medications;
  • Improper skin care: its complete absence or excessive hygiene that compromises the function of sebaceous glands;
  • Lotions, creams, and decorative cosmetics with unsuitable composition. As a rule, rashes are provoked by lanolin, sulfur, vegetable, and mineral oils.
  • Hyperkeratosis: thickening of the skin from prolonged friction, exposure to petroleum products, occupational intoxication, etc.;
  • Demodicosis (acne mite);
  • Hot and humid climate;
  • Skin damage accompanied by inflammation, etc.

Rashes can be provoked by several reasons at the same time. Therefore, only a thorough diagnosis and integrated approach to treatment can guarantee a good result.

Stages of acne development

There are several stages of acne development:

  • Mild form: oily sheen, black and white non-inflammatory acne.
  • Moderate severity: oily sheen becomes more intense, a lot of black and white acne, red inflammatory rashes (from 10 to 20 spots).
  • Medium form: a large number of comedones and 10–20 acne spots with signs of inflammation.
  • Severe form: more than 40 spots, large and painful nodes, pustules and cysts, persistent inflammatory processes.

Drugs and products for acne treatment

What are the best drugs for acne treatment? Their effectiveness largely depends on the current stage of acne. For mild forms, topical medications are sufficient, but in more severe cases, the main emphasis is made on systemic drugs and combined treatment.

There are the following categories of acne treatments:

  • products for cleansing the skin (lotions, creams, etc.);
  • antibacterial drugs for topical application;
  • products based on azelaic acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • zinc-containing creams;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • antibiotics (systemic and local);
  • retinoids (adapalene, tretinoin, etc.).

All of these products can be used individually but commonly various combinations are prescribed to achieve a faster and more pronounced result. Searching for affordable prices, you might check online pharmacies for some popular anti-acne medicines, creams, and ointments.

The therapeutic effect of these drugs can be divided into two main categories:

  • Directly affecting acne formations to eliminate them.
  • Normalizing certain processes to tackle the underlying cause of acne.

Most efficient acne treatments

Antibiotics are a central element in many complex treatment options. They have a pronounced bacteriostatic effect, high therapeutic activity, and, with a systemic application, show a good result up to complete elimination of acne.

The main advantages of tetracycline antibiotics:

  • Rapid anti-inflammatory effect, clinically significant results with low doses and a short course of administration;
  • The drug quickly penetrates through the lipid layer of the cell membrane and accumulates in sebaceous glands;
  • A wide spectrum of action, high activity against many bacteria;
  • The drug affects various aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, which include one of the main causative agents of acne formations, P. Acnes;
  • It suppresses the synthesis of P. Granulosum, responsible for the occurrence and development of acne;
  • Tetracycline antibiotics have low (less than 5%) resistance to the vast majority of pathogenic bacteria.

Tetracycline antibiotics are often used as the basis for complex therapy; they can be applied in combination with such effective anti-acne products as:

  • Ichthammol, an inexpensive topical remedy against acne, pimples, and other purulent skin formations;
  • Chlorhexidine, a topical antiseptic with an antimicrobial effect, is one of the most affordable remedies for whiteheads and blackheads.
  • Salicylic acid, an affordable remedy for acne vulgaris with a complex effect, combining anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and exfoliating effects.

All of these products – tetracycline (minocycline, doxycycline) or a macrolide (erythromycin, azithromycin) – can be used individually but commonly various combinations are prescribed to achieve a faster and more pronounced result. Searching for affordable prices, you might find Advance Canadian pharmacy to be the best spot for some popular anti-acne medicines, creams, and ointments.

Acne can also be caused by an imbalance of vitamins and essential nutrients in the body. A person suffering from acne needs to know that vitamins A, B, C, and E must be supplied with food daily in sufficient quantities to maintain the proper functioning of sebaceous glands. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend adding poultry meat, liver, legumes, citrus fruits, black currants, red bell peppers, cabbage, nuts, and dried apricots to your diet. Vitamins can also be taken as pills and tablets. Vitamin complexes may have a positive effect on skin condition.

People suffering from acne usually want to cover visible skin defects with makeup. However, increased skin sensitivity during this period can cause the skin to react painfully to external interventions in the form of powder or foundation, aggravating the problem of purulent pimples, inflammation, and excessive secretion of sebum.

Treat the increased sensitivity of your skin with understanding, since a full recovery requires a rehabilitation period, excluding the use of any means that can provoke the development of new pathologies.

The choice of therapeutic agents must be approached wisely, always consulting with a physician. Drugs and products for acne treatment always contain active ingredients that sometimes are not suitable for our body. To minimize the risk of allergic reactions, it is best to entrust the choice of treatment to an expert. With enough effort, you can achieve the skin condition that you have always dreamed of.

Prevention of acne in adults

Although acne can be treated at all stages, there are a few simple preventive measures that can help keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

To reduce your chance of developing acne:

  • Adhere to a balanced diet, drink enough water, and avoid too many foods that provoke acne;
  • Provide regular and appropriate care for your skin type;
  • Avoid touching your face during the day, especially if you are on the street or in a public place;
  • Remove make-up before intense exercise to avoid clogging pores.

If acne often manifests itself as an allergic reaction, eliminate allergy-causing foods from your diet or minimize exposure to the allergen.